Stack In Python

Fortunately, the list in Python supports the operations required by stacks. To be specific,

  • append() is to add a new item at the end of the list, so it behaves exactly the same as push().
  • pop(). Aha! The same method name as we expect.
a = []
v = a.pop() # 3
v = a.pop() # 5
v = a.pop() # 6

But, we cannot get its size and check the emptiness of a list in an object-oriented way. To this end, a better way is to encapsulate the data and related operations in a class. The following is the skeleton of Stack, and the complete code can be found at Because the list is an array, we call the following implementation array-based stack.

class Stack:
    """A last-in, first-out (LIFO) data structure."""

    def __init__(self):
        self._data = []

    def push(self, item):

    def pop(self):

    def size(self):

    def is_empty(self):

Python does not support the private variables. However, there is a convention that is followed by most Python code: a name prefixed with an underscore (e.g. _spam) should be treated as a non-public part of the API.

As we can see, Stack wraps a list inside, and the implementations of these APIs are generally straightforward as long as you know the basic usage of a list.

  • push() is based on append():
def push(self, item):
  • size() is based on built-in len():
def size(self):
    return len(self._data)
  • is_empty() is to check whether its size equals 0:
def is_empty(self):
    return self.size() == 0
  • pop() can use list's pop() directly:
def pop(self):
    return self._data.pop()

However, if the underlying data is empty, then pop() will throw an exception: IndexError: pop from empty list. We can further customize the error massage to display something like Error: pop from empty stack:

def pop(self):
    if self.is_empty():
        raise IndexError('Pop from empty stack')
    return self._data.pop()

Another common approach is to return a None when it is empty, but it would be troublesome if the item itself is a None:

def pop(self):
    if self.is_empty():
        return None
    return self._data.pop()

A third approach is to use a self-defined exception class, and we will adopt this implementation in this book.

class NoElement(Exception):
    """Error attempting to access an element from an empty collection."""
def pop(self):
    if self.is_empty():
        raise NoElement('Pop from empty stack!')
    return self._data.pop()


By now you have probably noticed that most container objects can be looped over using a for statement:

a = [1, 9, 4, 9]
for i in a:

Why can we use for to iterate the list? The iterator behind the scenes plays the magic1! See more at Iterators.

It is often a good practice to prepare a single class as the iterator which offers the __next__() method:

class ReverseListIterator:
    def __init__(self, data):
        self._data = data
        self._i = len(data)

    def __next__(self):
        if self._i == 0:
            raise StopIteration
        self._i -= 1
        return self._data[self._i]

And Stack's __iter__() method returns an instance of the iterator:

def __iter__(self):
    return ReverseListIterator(self._data)

We can also use the built-in reversed() iterator:

def __iter__(self):
    return reversed(self._data)

In this way, we can iterate the stack as we do for other collections:

s = Stack()
for i in s:

Time complexity

The following table summarizes the array-based stack's time complexity:

OperationRunning time

As we can see, all APIs are with a constant time complexity.

Note that the time complexity of push() and pop() is amortized. Roughly speaking, it means \(O(1)\) happens most of time, but it may have a larger time complexity only once a while2; and on average, the worst complexity is still \(O(1)\).

Application (1): matching parentheses

In this subsection, we explore an application of stacks by considering matching parentheses in arithmetic expressions. Here we assume that only parentheses (), braces {}, and brackets [] are allowed. This application is also found at LeetCode.

Clearly, each opening symbol must match its corresponding closing symbol. For example:

  • Correct: ()(()){([()])}
  • Incorrect: ({[])}

To what follows, we are going to design an algorithm to check whether an expression is matched in terms of parentheses:

def is_matched(expr):
    Check whether an expression is matched in terms of parentheses

    :param expr: an expression with parentheses
    :return: True if matched; False otherwise

The idea of this algorithm can be described in plain English:

  • Scan the expression for left to right.
  • If the character belongs to openings (i.e., ([{), it is pushed on a stack.
  • If the character belongs to the closings (i.e., )]}), an item popped from the stack will be checked whether it is matched with the character or not. If so, continue to scan; otherwise, return False.
  • After scanning, if the stack is empty, return True; otherwise, return False.

The steps above can be translated into the code:

def is_matched(expr):
    openings = '([{'
    closings = ')]}'
    s = Stack()
    for c in expr:
        if c in openings:
        elif c in closings:
            if s.is_empty():
                return False
            if closings.index(c) != openings.index(s.pop()):
                return False
    return s.is_empty()

Application (2): arithmetic expression evaluation

As another example3 of a stack, let's consider the basic arithmetic expression evaluation. For example,

(1 + ((2 + 3) * (4 * 5)))

If you multiply 4 by 5, add 3 to 2, multiply the result, and then add 1, you get the value 101. How to this calculation using Python?

For simplicity, we begin with the following explicit recursive definition: an arithmetic expression is either a number, or a left parenthesis (i.e., () followed by an arithmetic expression followed by an operator followed by another arithmetic expression followed by a right parenthesis (i.e., )). In other words, we rely on parentheses instead of precedence rules.

For specificity, we support the familiar binary operators *, +, -, and /. A remarkably simple algorithm that was developed by E. W. Dijkstra in the 1960s uses two stacks (one for operands and one for operators) to do this job. Again, the idea of this algorithm can be described in plain English when scanning the expression according to four possible cases:

  • Push operands onto the operand stack.
  • Push operators onto the operator stack.
  • Ignore left parentheses.
  • On encountering a right parenthesis, pop an operator, pop the operands, and push onto the operand stack the result of applying the operator to those operands.

After the final right parenthesis has been processed, there is one value on the stack, which is the value of the expression. For example, the algorithm computes the same value for all of these expressions:

( 1 + ( ( 2 + 3 ) * ( 4 * 5 ) ) ) 
( 1 + ( 5 * ( 4 * 5 ) ) )
( 1 + ( 5 * 20 ) )
( 1 + 100 )

For simplicity, the code assume that the expression is fully parenthesized, with numbers and characters separated by whitespace:

def compute(expr: str) -> float:
    Dijkstra's two-stack algorithm for expression evaluation.

    :param expr: an arithmetic expression
    :return: computed value
    ops = Stack()
    vals = Stack()
    expr = expr.split(' ')
    for c in expr:
        if c == '(':
        elif c in '+-*/':
        elif c == ')':
            v = vals.pop()
            op = ops.pop()
            if op == '+':
                v = vals.pop() + v
            elif op == '-':
                v = vals.pop() - v
            elif op == '*':
                v = vals.pop() * v
            elif op == '/':
                v = vals.pop() / v
    return vals.pop()

1 It will call __getitem__() instead if __iter__() is not available.

2 It is because of the resizing of an array.

3 This example comes from Algorithms, 4th.