
  1. As for stacks, another operation top() (also known as peek()) is often used. It works like pop(), but it will keep the item in the stack. Please implement peek() method in Java or Python.

  1. In stack.py, we would often expect that len() can be used directly like other collections in Python:
s = Stack()

Please make it possible for Stack.

Hint: you can refer to Python __len__() Magic Method.

  1. In evaluate.py, if statement is used to determine the evaluation logic:
if op == '+':
    v = vals.pop() + v
elif op == '-':
    v = vals.pop() - v
elif op == '*':
    v = vals.pop() * v
elif op == '/':
    v = vals.pop() / v

Please try to refactor via operator module to simplify the code.

Hint: you can refer to Turn string into operator.

  1. The current implementation for Dijkstra's two-stack algorithm for expression evaluation (evaluate.py, Evaluate.java) only support +, -, *, and /. Please add the sqrt operator that takes just one argument.
v = evaluate.compute('( ( 1 + sqrt ( 5.0 ) ) / 2.0 )')

  1. Please implement matching parentheses and arithmetic expression evaluation based on ArrayListStack.java using Java respectively.

  1. The theoretical analysis shows that the time complexity of dequeue() of circular queues is \(O(1)\). Please design experiments and visualize your results to validate this theoretical cost based on circular_queue.py.

  1. The built-in id() function returns the memory address, and You can also check if two variables are pointing to the same object using is operator. Try to use those two methods to validate a and b point to the same object:
a = [1, 2, 3]
b = a

  1. Please implement a queue based on ArrayList in Java.

  1. As for queues, another operation first() (also known as peek()) is often used. It works like dequeue(), but it will keep the item in the queue. Please implement peek() method in Java or Python based on circular queues.

  1. Please implement a deque based on circular arrays in Java.

  1. Try to solve problems tagged with stack or queue in LeetCode.

  1. Postfix notation is an unambiguous way of writing an arithmetic expression without parentheses. It is defined so that if "(exp1)op(exp2)" is a normal fully parenthesized expression whose operation is op, the postfix version of this is "exp1 exp2 op".

So, for example, the postfix version of "((5 + 2) * (8 − 3))/4" is "5 2 + 8 3 − * 4 /". Describe an algorithm to evaluate an expression in postfix notation. For simplicity, the numbers and operators are separated with a space.